Musings and Reflections 1

Musings and Reflections 1

##About this Item

Musings and Reflections 1’ is a collection of poetic compositions, a presentation of verses, most with a defined rhyme scheme, that capture the poet’s experiences, ideas, ideals, idiosyncrasies, exhortations, lamentations, and aspirations.

They touch multiple themes and topics, target various age groups and social / academic cohorts, and vary in length, tempo, meter, mood, message, density, and imagery.

The author’s love for poetry was planted during his primary school days at the venerable Basseterre Boys’ School, where the indomitable J. O.  Williams’ regular quotations, recitations and references to poetic pieces resonated profoundly in their depth and detail.

The poetic compositions are interspersed with proverbs, adages and quotations designed to elicit laughter or provoke meditative introspection. 

Musings and Reflections 1’ presents just a portion of the myriad original works of the author, both preceding and succeeding the publishing of this collection.

Musings and Reflections 1

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Musings and Reflections 1
A diverse collection of reflective poetry, infused with personal experiences, wisdom, and humor, spanning various themes and age groups.
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Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College Library Services,2023 - 2024. Community-Archive Jekyll Theme by Kalani Craig is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Framework: Foundation 6.